Replying to @MichaelMaley7
Yeppers! 👍
Replying to @toranosukev
Everyday including Sunday! And it is not to wake you up, it is to let you know you have to leave the house. People come over at that time! Totally not used to it. But most people in Iki are up way early fishing before they go to work… fishing.
Replying to @toranosukev
Wow! If I could get them with our island’s songs I would!
Spent the day at the volcano museum, with houses buried in lava, a giant Sakamoto Ryoma standing on a football, a mountain hotel out of Wes Anderson film, and walking around hell. Check my timeline to see all today’s pics! 📸 🌋 ♨️
Replying to @robotopia
We are staying right at the lake! (I got a better view from the 露天風呂) Pretty mist out there today tho 😞
Replying to @mgraffin
Warm I guess? 🤷♀️
Replying to @robotopia
We were thinking about it but elected to go up to Unzen to our hotel! I can catch it on the way back. Thanks for the tip! 🙇♂️
Replying to @mgraffin
“I travel, I tweet” — Epicurus(?)
It is said that from 1627 for seven years 33 Christian believers were tortured in these hellish hot springs
There are a LOT of cats around these springs! Devilish little things 🐈 🐈⬛
Next stop: HELL! 👹
Can you SMELL that!? Time for “jigoku meguri” to check out the steamy burbling natural hot springs of the Unzen volcano
Replying to @chadkoh
Tomisaburo is a fascinating character. He did a lot for Nagasaki as he was hafuu and had lots of international connections. This was also a liability in the 30s. Hounded by the Kenpeitai as a spy, he survived the Nagasaki atomic bomb only to commit suicide a few weeks later. 3/3
Replying to @chadkoh
Unfortunately it was shuttered a few years later due to the war. It was since restarted and is now a fully operational luxury hotel right out of a Wes Anderson film! The staff even let me into a room to take pictures. See the fancy period wallpaper! 2/3
Tomisaburo, son of the Nagasaki-based industrialist (& arms dealer) Thomas Glover — the Scottish Samurai — built this hotel and a golf course on Mt Unzen in the 1930s as an escape from the Nagasaki heat for foreigners and “naigaijin”. 1/3
Replying to @MENAhouritsu
My father in law was here in the 90s and really wanted to go. Otherwise I probably would have missed it too!
The eruption of Fugendake in 1991 killed 44 people and buried about 2000 houses. The lava and ash went up to the second floor, completely burying some houses! There are still some on display, and some being preserved for the future.
Samurai Blue! This 10m statue of Sakamoto Ryoma in the national kit was made for the 2010 World Cup. It was in Tokyo but gifted to Shimabara who has a long history with the region.
(Happened to be wearing my @WhitecapsFC hat today)
Even here the legacy of the Tohoku triple disaster is remembered
(In the observation deck on top of the volcano museum)
Replying to @chadkoh
This is known as the Higo Meiwaku… the word “meiwaku” (“nuisance”) is doing a LOT of work here… 2/2
Kumamoto is only 30m by boat. Closer than the big cities of this peninsula.
When Mt Mayu (behind us) collapsed during the Unzen earthquake of 1792 it caused a big tsunami across the sea. Nearly 15K died in the biggest volcano disaster on record. 1/2
Replying to @paoladm
Replying to @paoladm
Weird! Thanks for letting me know. I suppose I will stay away from plants… ? 😱
Yes! You can see the “stone graveyard” on Google Maps. Check the documentary Pascal-San shared in the thread
This is a cool project!
Replying to @mgraffin
Over the next few days I will be hitting all the castles on the Shimabara peninsula. Watch out for more pics and videos! 📸
Replying to @mgraffin
Osaka is a classic. Nijo is close to my heart, since I have been there so much. Himeji is the queen of course. But recently I went to Nagoya-jo ruins which was very cool
Replying to @mgraffin
I bet! What a huge job. Still going on, but the place is not a depressing visit at all
Replying to @chadkoh
A few more pics from this morning. You can see:
- foundation stones are chain linked to keep them from falling
- repairs are still ongoing
- a “graveyard” of stones that need to be put back together
- underside of part of the walkway
A reference pic of the crumbled castle. And this was only a year ago!
Replying to @mgraffin
I will come again in a couple of months to see inside for sure!
Replying to @mgraffin and @shochu_danji
I remember when it struck, and how shocked everyone was during those earthquakes. But talking to people here these past couple days have me a new perspective on the symbolic meaning of the castle.
Beautiful day and Kumamoto Castle was in fine form. After the earthquakes, they built a 6m tall walkway so people could view the damage and reconstruction from safety. 5 years later the main keep (notice the ✈️) will be open to the public at the end of April.
Replying to @TBeanpod
So far so good! I am here for the next fees days, so watch out for more photos! 📸
Replying to @toranosukev
It is only 30mins to Kumamoto by ferry. Pretty zoom zoom!
The volcano is behind us
Timelapse of ferry leaving Shimabara Port
Just got into our hotel room as the ferry we came on heads back to Kumamoto
Current status: on a boat crossing the Ariake Sea to Unzen, a volcano that killed over 14,000 people in 1792, Japan’s deadliest eruption on record. It was last really active in the 90s, but mostly known for its hot springs resorts now.
Replying to @chadkoh
Sorry, 5 years. The Kumamoto earthquakes were in 2016
After 4 years of reconstruction due to the earthquake, Kumamoto Castle will be opening to the public at the end of the month.
Replying to @garutch
Kids say they saw one but I didn’t see any 🤷♂️ Apparently they hang out near the entrance
Replying to @Mutantfroginc
GoPro Hero 8 on a tiny little extendable handle
To think this time last night I had left Kobe by ship and was passing under a massive bridge. Since then we landed and crossed Kyushu by way of Bat+Buddhist Cave and volcano, all by dog train
Made it to Kumamoto so stepped out to see the castle at night 🏯
Wow! The route out of the Aso caldera is too steep so the train had to stop and reverse direction down a switchback, then stop and go down another! I have never experienced this before.
\ 🚂____
🚂 _/(original)
We got a glimpse of the Aso volcano. Still cloudy, but a lot better than last time we were here! Maybe next time it will be nice
Oita 🚋 Kumamoto on the FUN train! 🐶
Bye bye 👋 Usuki! I enjoyed your bat caves and stone Buddha caves! 📿🙏
RT @camcavers: I would hit the rope after my second awkward jump. (Also points for using the greatest party jam of the entire 1990s.)
CURRENT STATUS (as of 15 mins ago since we were 500m under the mountain and had no signal) BAT CAVE! 🦇