Replying to @tired_bison
Replying to @chrbutler
Ah yes, I am familiar with both of those. Thanks for sharing again
@chrbutler Nice piece on the enviro costs of server farms. At the bottom there is a link to a web3 primer that is broken. Could you share it?
Have you seen any research on dweb vs centralized cloud effects on environment? Is it just 6 of one half-doz the other?
Replying to @jbrcpod and @motokorich
Good episode and she has great audio presence! Hopefully you can have her back for the next Olympics/Election/Riverboat bungle 😜
Replying to @SengokuPodcast
Good point about kōfun being areas of activity. I think that comes across when you visit the tomb mound/museum at Yoshinogari.
Replying to @FootballRamble, @MarcusSpeller, @JimCampbellTFR, @andybrassell and @betway
Yep, Pocket Casts says the file has been moved
Sometimes you enter the stream, and sometimes the YT streams are crossed. Yo, check this out 🎤😎
RT @UnseenJapanSite: Twitter user became enchanted by this structure, which looks like a little shrine that just popped up in the middle of…
Replying to @wesinjapan
I envy you for going to Liverpool. I hope you meet someone with season tix and get a chance to visit Merseyside often
Replying to @wesinjapan
Canada at the World Cup will be historical! Only happened once before when I was knee high to a grasshopper
Replying to @wesinjapan
Replying to @Durf, @wesinjapan and @NathanielMSmith
Replying to @Durf, @wesinjapan and @NathanielMSmith
Thanks Durf! Always nice to get a mench for the old CA. I very much remember writing about military PPT as I was a designer in military college and spent most of my time with my head in my hands 😂
Replying to @AnomaV
🍰 🎉
Replying to @jaypozo
The big thing that I think helped me stick with it is my Bullet Journal. Something about seeing that dot on *paper* just made it more real
Replying to @jaypozo
Insight Timer. I would like to try something else, but then I would lose my streak! (And my data)
Got a nice little streak going on for my meditation app 🙏 📿
RT @dmkmtoday: this is amazing
RT @ikitakeshibasan: #京都 の皆さん、ぜひ!壱岐牛カレーパン食べてみてね!🐃
Replying to @Nevin_Thompson
Graeber has certainly contributed to “ruining” me for regular society, that’s for sure. But his playfulness and sense of fun, (not to mention the effect he has had on some parts of society!) are always a source of hope.
Lovely long read about an amazing intellect. I bought the new book and am excited to read it, while also sad at his death. This essay captures that pensive feeling well, I think.
RT @thesefootytimes: As you all know, we love a bit of cartography, so feast your eyes on this stunning map of football clubs in Japan.
Replying to @dwvcd, @JasnTru and @PaulJNadeau
Lotta good whiskey in Japan, so I expect you can make a lotta good eggnog in Japan 🥃
Oh man we turned on Frozen 2 and slagged it MST3K-style until my oldest peed herself 😂 then we had a massive pillow fight while the kids shouted trivial facts (eg turtles breathe outta their butts) at me! This is the stage of fatherhood I am optimized for 💪#daddydaughtertime
Featuring an #ikijima great at the museum I used to volunteer at. Learn more about Koganemaru with photos here:
RT @twinforest: ラップバトル感がある
Replying to @NoahOskow and @UnseenJapanSite
She is legendary. I always saw her on TV lots but never really dug in until doing this book review.
🙏 📿 I am just reading the new translation of her book “Places.” What a life she had.
My daughter is obsessed with “How to Keep a Mummy” on @Crunchyroll so she took her sewing kit and made her own Mi-kun!
👏 👏 👏 Inspiring Aunty! I am all 😃
👏 👏 👏
Paging @bdjoetsu
Watched Itami Juzo’s お葬式 (The Funeral) and now reading Setouchi Jakucho’s account of her mother’s death. What a day I’m having…
“The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world.” 📿🙏
New kit! My new @timeular tracker just arrived. Thanks for the recommendation @paularcurtis 👋
Replying to @camcavers
It’s the only one if his major films I have seen more than once. Incendies was mind-blowing, but too traumatic to see again. Blade Runner was amazing visual spectacle, thanks to Roger Deacon. Sicario was intense. They are all good, but Arrival stands above. Haven’t seen Enemy.
Replying to @camcavers
Oh yes that would have been excellent. Love that score. This is a good remix I came across a while back
Replying to @camcavers
Personally I found it distracting, but better appreciate it after seeing TF’s breakdown
Replying to @chadkoh
Playing Dune after seeing the recent film last week. Brutal!
Replying to @chadkoh
Some fancy alcohol (of what I didn’t partake of course, but looks nice!)
Replying to @chadkoh
This weekend we had our annual gaming getaway with my D&D group. I was away last year, but due to Corona they couldn’t run it as usual. It is our 10th episode. Nice to be with everyone for a couple days in such a nice location ❤️
Lovely morning to wake up after getting an extra hour to sleep in this morning due to time change
Replying to @camcavers
Did you find it SO LOUD? Or am I SO OLD?
Replying to @MarkRavina
Very good! Purchased. Really enjoyed your previous one.
Replying to @FootballRamble, @MarcusSpeller, @betway, @JimCampbellTFR and @Vitu_E
Congrats @MarcusSpeller! Happy to have you back, what a great episode. Such a good shit-talker, you are gonna be a great dad! 😂👍
Replying to @ssiddiqui83
Definitely want to read this! Congrats 👏
Replying to @daigengna and @B4Btv
Nathan Hopson did a good interview with them too (I made sure not to listen to it until after I wrote my review. But they don’t overlap at all. There is so much in this book!)
Replying to @B4Btv and @daigengna
I really enjoyed it
Replying to @daigengna
Oooohhh I want that 大澤 one!
Replying to @mijustin and @DavidEpstein
Appreciate the idea, but can you wake the business world up a little quicker plz? 😉
Especially for people like me that have a wide range of experience across many different depts because we are problemsolvers, “Special Projects” people, by nature
Replying to @camcavers
Yup! 😂
Replying to @hermosawave
It means as someone who has done a little of everything, and was a director, I have a hard time finding something that matches my skills. Too big for this, too small for that. But I think I have finally figured out my niche.